Are pitbulls prone to skin problems
Maintenance Formula Dog Food
Written By: Tiffany Ruiz Dasilva, VMD, cVMA | Professional Services Veterinarian, Wild Earth
October is National Pit Bull Awareness Month which means its time to celebrate these affectionate and loyal companions that are often mislabeled.
If you are a pittie parent, you know just how amazing these dogs are and you also know that these breeds can be prone to skin issues. Part of celebrating our pittie pups is making sure we keep them happy and healthy, and sometimes it can be a challenge to find ways to help make them more comfortable.
Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about pit bull allergies, and what you can do to help your fur baby.
Pit Bull Skin Conditions
We know that breeds such as the American Pit Bull Terrier and Staffordshire Terrier, are prone to skin conditions, allergies and subsequent skin infections. This is because pit bulls have short fur and do not have a protective undercoat, making their skin vulnerable to environmental allergens and irritants. Genetics also play a role as many skin and coat health conditions are hereditary.
Uncontrollable scratching, excessive licking, paw chewing, ear infections and skin infections are very common symptoms that can occur secondary to allergies, and if left untreated, they can quickly get out of control. Just as with all dogs, Pit Bulls experience three main types of allergies food allergy, flea allergy, and environmental or contact allergy. Keeping track of what time of year your pittie is itchy, and what symptoms they develop will go a long way to determining the type of allergy.
Improve Skin Allergies With Wild Earth Dog FoodFood Allergens
Believe it or not, your Pit Bulls allergy symptoms might be from the food theyre eating. The animal-based ingredients in dog food (beef, dairy, chicken, lamb, egg, pork, fish, and rabbit) are responsible for over 3 times as many food allergy cases as the plant-based ingredients. According to a study on, after five weeks of their dog patients starting an elimination diet, more than 80% of patients had achieved a remission of clinical signs of CAFR
That means your dogs allergies could be eliminated just by changing what they eat, namely by removing those common food allergens, so consider switching their dog food. 86% of customers reported a positive health benefit for their dog after switching to Wild Earth dog food!
Try switching to Wild Earth Dog Food and adding in our Skin & Coat Dog Supplements to improve your dogs allergies!
If your pup does suffer from food allergies, make sure to eliminate all other sources of animal-based protein, including treats and table scraps. Our Wild Earth treats are a great way to treat your dog, without the itch! Try one of our flavors - Banana and Cinnamon, Strawberry and Beet, or Peanut Butter.
Environmental Allergens
Pit Bulls can be sensitive to irritants in their environment as they have short fur and dont have a thick undercoat to protect their skin like many other breeds. This means that their skin comes into contact with environmental irritants more often, including grasses and pollen, which can easily be picked up on walks. To help protect your pup from these common allergens, wipe down their paws and bellies after walks with a damp towel.
Other possible environmental allergens can be found in the home, for example dust mites, and contact allergens can include anything your dog comes into contact with, including household cleaning products, detergents, and shampoos. If you suspect your dog is suffering from environmental allergies, speak to your veterinarian. You can also help by changing your HVAC filters regularly, and using powerful air purifiers indoors.
Flea Allergic Dermatitis
Flea allergies, or flea allergic dermatitis (FAD), is the most common dermatologic disease of dogs in the United States. The allergy is to flea saliva so just one bite from a flea can cause an allergic reaction. An important step in ruling out the cause of your dogs itch is to make sure your pet is on a year-round prescription flea preventative prescribed by your veterinarian.
Zinc-Responsive Dermatosis
If your Pit Bull starts to develop dry, scaly skin, it may be caused by zinc-responsive dermatosis. This is a common disorder in pit bulls, which can develop at a young age. The issue occurs when dogs dont get enough zinc in their diets, or cannot digest it properly. Its a main reason weve added zinc to our Skin & Coat supplements.
Signs of zinc deficiency include red, hairless, scaling, crusting, or oozing skin around the mouth, eyes, ears, and chin or lesions on the nose and foot pads. If your dog is experiencing these symptoms, please consult with your veterinarian.
Another reason that your dog may be suffering from itchy skin is due to parasites. Parasites such as mange and mites can cause itchy, red skin, and frequent scratching. Unfortunately, pit bulls are the most common breeds in US shelters, and they tend to stay in shelters longer, leading to stress, which decreases the immune system, and makes them more susceptible to mange.
Try Wild Earth Dog Food 30% OffGenetic Conditions
Genetically, pit bulls are prone to skin issues, and can inherit hereditary skin conditions such as zinc deficiency, mentioned above, ichthyosis, and some types of dermatitis.
Allergies cause chronic inflammation and decrease the skin barrier, so coupled with scratching or licking, can lead to infections, which need to be treated. If your pittie has areas of reddish brown discoloration on their fur, for example, this could indicate a yeast infection. If you suspect your pittie has a skin infection, speak with your veterinarian.
We love Pitties! But, sometimes they need a little help with their skin issues
Keep An Eye On Your Pit Bull!
We love our pets like family and hate to see them uncomfortable. The reality is, Pit Bulls are more susceptible to skin irritations and allergies than some other breeds. Fortunately, by keeping an eye on their activity, watching how they react to their diet, bathing them as directed, and giving them a supplement if you think they need extra support, can go a long way toward helping them live a more comfortable life!
Tiffany Ruiz Dasilva, VMD, cVMA
Dr. Tiffany Ruiz Dasilva is the Professional Services Veterinarian here at Wild Earth. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Brown University, and attended veterinary school at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. Since graduation, she has worked in general practice, on telehealth platforms, and in animal rehabilitation. She has worked tirelessly to gain expertise in the field of canine nutrition through numerous certifications and coursework, and plans to pursue her Masters in Animal Nutrition.
Everything You Need To Know About Pit Bull Skin Allergies
Everything You Need To Know About Pit Bull Skin Allergies
If you have a Pit Bull in your life, there is a chance that your pup has experienced a form of skin irritation at some point.
Pit Bulls are prone to developing skin conditions, whether its due to environmental allergens or something more.
To help you better understand your Pittie, lets discuss everything you need to know about Pit Bull skin allergies.
Ranging from typical causes to treatment methods, lets get into our detailed guide!
Are Allergies Common In Pit Bulls?
Unfortunately, allergies are common in our Pit Bull friends.
Their short coat makes them extremely susceptible to environmental allergens, leading to skin irritation in many Pit Bull pups.
Not only are allergies common in Pitties, but they are more likely to develop zinc deficiency as well.
With these factors combined, many Pit Bulls struggle with dry and irritated skin as a result.
Dont want to read this entire article? Watch our short video on Pit Bull Skin Allergies on this page.
Common Pit Bull Skin Problems
Pit Bulls can experience skin irritation due to multiple causes.
With having such a short and flat coat, this breed is more likely to fall victim to potential allergens in the world around them.
To help you get to the bottom of your dogs skin problems, lets discuss the most common factors below.
Pit Bulls can experience multiple forms of allergies that cause a list of irritating symptoms.
While it may seem like contact allergens are the only form of allergy that can cause skin irritation in dogs, this is actually not the case.
All forms of canine allergies can have an impact on a dogs skin and coat health, even if the allergen never makes contact with the skin itself.
Our Pit Bull friends can experience environmental allergies, contact allergies, and even food allergies. Each of these conditions can result in:
- Skin irritation
- Dry skin
- Skin redness
- Inflammation
- and secondary skin infections when these issues are not addressed
If your Pit Bull experiences long term skin irritation without relief, its best to speak with your vet about the possibility of canine allergies.
Most vets will first discuss the use of allergy treatment going forward, and the potential of pursuing allergy testing if your Pittie does not respond to treatment.
Most Pit Bulls do well with the use of daily allergy medication, or even monthly injections that diminish their current irritations.
If these options are not successful, some pups will need to begin an elimination diet to rule out any potential food allergies.
The most common cause of itchy skin in dogs is the presence of ectoparasites, or the skin irritation they leave behind.
Contact with even one flea can be enough to cause a severe allergic response in dogs, leading to an array of skin irritation to follow.
While flea prevention can prevent flea infestations, some only work by killing the flea once it bites the skin.
This method is effective, but it does not prevent any flea bite irritation.
If a Pit Bull is allergic to fleas, this can still lead to flea allergy dermatitis.
Irritation from fleas will often appear as skin irritation on the legs or in the area around the base of the tail.
Dogs will often frantically bite at this area, leading to potential fur loss and infection in some cases.
Flea allergy dermatitis will often require veterinary attention due to the severe irritation that is left behind.
Not only can your vet address any current fleas that are present, but can offer the best support for any current irritation or infection.
Dry Skin
Some Pit Bulls struggle with dry and itchy skin.
Just like you and I, some dogs skin is simply more dry than others.
This can be further irritated in certain weather, during certain seasons, and even when using new shampoos or other products.
Dry skin is not only itchy for a dog, but can lead to secondary infection due to constant scratching.
Skin Infections
Skin infections are a secondary problem to initial skin irritation.
When a dog has itchy skin, they often resort to biting and scratching to ease their discomfort.
Dogs do not understand how damaging this can be to their skin, causing them to scratch and bite to the point of severe irritation.
Not only can the scratching cause damage in itself, but can welcome new bacteria into the skin.
This is how secondary skin infections are formed, causing a vicious cycle of discomfort.
Skin infections often present with inflammation, oozing, flaking, and even odor.
Infected areas of the skin may even begin to develop hot spots, which is a painful skin condition that is caused by excessive licking or scratching in one area.
Skin infections often require medical intervention, as this can be challenging to treat without antibiotics.
Zinc-Responsive Dermatosis
Pit Bulls are more prone to developing a condition known as Zinc-responsive dermatosis.
This is a condition that is most often seen in large breed dogs, and develops as a result of the bodys inability to absorb zinc properly.
This can also develop if a dog does not receive enough zinc in their diet.
Dogs with a zinc insufficiency can experience dry skin, a dull coat, and even fur loss.
Hair loss and flaking around the mouth and eyes is particularly common, causing a typical pattern that is easier for a professional to identify.
If you fear that your Pit Bull has zinc-responsive dermatosis, its best to contact your vet for further advice.
They are the only ones that can properly identify the condition, as well as offer a safe dose of daily zinc.
How To Solve Pitbull Skin Problems
Skin problems can be a lifelong nuisance for so many canine friends.
If you happen to have an itchy Pit Bull in your life, there are a few ways to offer them the comfort they deserve.
Stay Up To Date On Preventative Care
One of the best ways to prevent further skin irritation in your canine friend is by staying up to date on their preventative care.
Fleas can cause a world of discomfort for a dog, making any previous skin conditions even more severe.
By keeping your pup on proper flea and tick prevention, you can prevent any further complications from crawling critters.
Ask Your Vet For Advice
Its always best to speak with your vet at the first sign of skin irritation.
Your veterinarian can guide you in the right treatment direction for your Pittie, and potentially shorten their time of discomfort.
Not only can your vet offer your dog proper treatment, but they can diagnose any issues you were unaware of.
No matter how minor your dogs issues may seem, it is always best to seek professional advice.
Offer Soothing Baths
Soothing baths can be wonderful for Pit Bulls with dry and irritated skin.
Calming ingredients can offer much needed relief when applied to the skin, helping to ease your dogs discomfort as they heal.
Some of the best soothing dog shampoos include ingredients like oatmeal, aloe, coconut, honey, and lavender.
You can also purchase soothing shampoos at your veterinary office, many of which contain medications to target dry skin at the source.
Brush Them Frequently
Brushing your Pittie can be a simple, yet effective way to soothe their troubled skin.
Frequent brushing helps to stimulate oil production on the skin, leading to a healthier and more hydrated coat.
Though your dogs fur may be short, a few short brushing sessions a week can make a huge difference for your pup.
Final Thoughts
Our Pit Bull friends may be more prone to skin allergies than other breeds, but there are many ways to offer them comfort.
Be sure to review the information that we discussed above, and you can stay on top of their skin and coat health going forward.
My name is Amber. I am a dedicated animal lover that turned my passion into my career. I am a Licensed Vet Tech with 12 years of experience in veterinary medicine, but I recently took my career online to help spread accurate information on animal care. With how vast the online world is, I have a strong desire to ensure that the reader always walks away with helpful pet advice. With the experience Ive gained from my time in this field, I have been able to travel the world, offering my services to as many animal rescues as I can find. If I am not at my laptop, or back home visiting family, you can find me somewhere in the world, cuddling every furry friend that I can find! More About Us