How do I get rid of bumps on my pitbull
The Bumps on Pitbull: Heres What it Means
Pitbulls and other short-haired breeds of dogs often develop bumps on their skin. It is natural to be concerned when your best friend develops something unusual. Understanding what the bumps on your pitbull mean an important part is of being a responsible pet owner.
The bumps on a pitbull usually are one of three types. Bumps that form in the top layer of skin are much like pimples in humans. More serious infections below the top layer of skin can also cause bumps. Some Pitbulls may have bumps that form on bones or other tissue.
Whenever a lump or bump suddenly appears on your Pitbull, it is good to follow up to determine the cause. Overall, most lumps and bumps are not serious. Well discuss what bumps on your pitbull mean and if it is a symptom of a more serious issue that needs addressing.
It Isnt as Simple as It May Seem
At first glance, a small lump or bump that appears on your Pitbull may appear unthreatening. Unfortunately, a small symptom may be an indication of a much more serious underlying condition. Diagnosing lumps and bumps that suddenly appear on your Pitbull can be daunting and need the attention of a veterinarian.
To better understand the complexity of making a diagnosis, it is important to grasp what can cause the sudden appearance of a lump or bump on your Pitbull. Some of the more common causes of surface bumps on Pitbulls include:
- Insect bites
- Stinging insects
- Nutritional problems
Insect Bites The Bane of Us All
Just like you, biting insects plague many dogs, especially short-hair breeds like Pitbulls. Because of their fur, dogs and other animals are also subject to infestations of insects that most humans never experience. A host of biting insects tend to find refuge in your dogs fur, such as:
- Fleas There are more than 2,500 species of fleas in the world. Many of these species can become a problem for your pitbull. Fleas are a type of external parasite and make their living biting your Pitbulls skin and eating the blood. The flea bite causes itching, redness, and swollen raised bumps. Fleas are not host specific and will readily move to humans when given a chance.
- Ticks Ticks are parasites as well and are closely related to spiders. Ticks dont just bite and leave. Ticks latch onto their host and suck blood. The tick will become swollen and engorged as it feeds. The site of the tick bite may swell and form a bump. Ticks, like fleas, will readily move to humans.
- Mites Mites, like ticks, are in the arachnid family and are related to spiders. Mites are tiny creatures, much smaller than ticks or fleas. Mites are usually associated with dogs having mange or canine scabies. The mites burrow into the skin to lay eggs. When the eggs hatch and begin to mature, bumps and lumps on the infected patches may result.
- Mosquitoes Just like you, your pitbull can suffer during the summer months from mosquito bites. Many mosquito varieties will feast on dogs as readily as humans and the results are the same. Bumps at the site of the bite and itching are the most common symptoms of a mosquito bite.
Stinging Insects Bees, Wasps, and Others
If an insect stings you, it will also sting your pitbull. Bees and wasps are the most common causes of raised bumps or welts on Pitbulls who happen to make the wrong choice in playmates. Stinging insects are usually on the defensive when they sting.
Typically, insect stings are not serious and resolve themselves in a few days. However, some spiders and scorpions can deliver enough venom to be dangerous to your Pitbull. If you arent sure about the type of insect that stings your Pitbull, consult your veterinarian for an examination.
Most insect stings result in a swollen spot with a small opening or indentation at the center. In some cases, the insects venom may cause local necrosis of the flesh, which is much more serious. The swelling and itching may cause your Pitbull to scratch excessively. This scratching can cause further damage to the skin and may need extra attention.
Nutritional Problems Allergies and Lacks
Nutritional issues can also cause bumps or lesions on your Pitbulls skin. A lack of a specific nutrient may manifest as lumps and bumps on your dog in some cases. A food allergy can also irritate your Pitbulls skin. Your veterinarian can help you diagnose any allergies or nutritional deficiencies and advise on how to give your Pitbull the best nutrition.
Deeper Problems Bumps or Lumps in the Deeper Tissues
Several issues can cause lumps or bumps that are deeper in your Pitbulls skin. These problems may appear deeply embedded under the skin. In some cases, these bumps or lumps are painful to your Pitbull when touched. Several issues can lead to these deeper bumps on your Pitbull
- Cysts or Abscesses
- Mast Cell Tumors
- Fatty Tumors
Fortunately, most of these are easily treatable or are not a cause for concern. However, understanding these problems and knowing when to consult a veterinarian is an important part of dog ownership.
Cysts or Abscesses Painful Problems for your Pitbull
A cyst is a blocked oil gland in your Pitbulls skin. Much like a pimple, white substances are released from the cyst when a cyst opens or bursts. Cysts can become painful for your Pitbull and should be treated by a veterinarian when discovered.
Abscesses associate with inflammation or infection. The abscess is a build-up of pus under the skin. An abscess can form from a penetrating wound like a bite from another animal or an insect bite. If you find an abscess on your Pitbull, it will be swollen and often tender to the touch. Abscesses require quick attention by a veterinarian. Opening the abscess is important, as is a round of antibiotics to treat the underlying infection.
Mast Cell Tumors Skin Cancer in Dogs
Mast cell tumors are common in many breeds of dogs. A mast cell is a form of skin cancer that can exhibit bumps, lumps, or irritations on the skin or under the skin of your Pitbull. In most cases, mast cell tumors are treatable. Consult your veterinarian as soon as you find what you think maybe a mast cell tumor.
Fatty Tumors A Part of Aging
Older dogs may develop fatty tumors, especially in the rib cage area. Fatty tumors are a part of gaining in many breeds of dogs and are not uncommon. Fatty tumors are most often benign and pose no health risk to your dog. Your veterinarian can test your dogs fatty tumors and monitor them for changes or growth, which can signal problems.
Bony Bumps and Lumps
Many of the lumps and bumps on dogs, especially Pitbulls, are natural parts of the growing and aging process. Pitbulls are especially known for prominent bony bumps on the head. Many Pitbulls exhibit prominent occipital bones on their heads. In most cases, these boney ridges and prominent points of no worry.
However, if you notice a sudden change in the size or location of a boney or hard lump on your Pitbull, it is worth investigating with your veterinarian. A boney lump or bump that appears suddenly can be a symptom of a more serious disease that warrants treatment and observation.
Bumps and Lumps Taking Care of Your Pitbull
The occasional bump or lump is natural for most dogs. In most cases, these bumps and lumps are nothing more than part of life. However, as a responsible Pitbull owner, note any changes in your companion and take the appropriate action when necessary. Understanding what constitutes the usual from the unusual is knowledge every dog owner should possess.
How to Treat Pit Bull Skin Problems: 7 Vet-Approved Ways
The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.
Learn moreAmerican Pit Bulls, which include breeds like Staffordshire Terriers and American Bulldogs, can suffer from various skin problems. These can be caused by skin infection, sunburns, food and environmental allergies, skin parasites, systemic illness, genetic conditions, and deficiencies in certain minerals.
The ideal treatment will depend on the underlying cause. Finding a suitable and effective treatment starts by determining the root cause of the problem. This is where your vet comes in. Lets take a deeper look.
Identify the Cause of Skin Problems
Although Pit Bulls may suffer more commonly with skin problems, any breed can be affected. Bull Terriers are genetically predisposed to a very rare condition that can encourage dermatitis, erythema, flaking, and crusting, beginning around the eyes, mouth, and ears and spreading to genital area, anus, pads, elbows, and hocks. This condition is called zinc-responsive dermatosis and is fatal. Luckily, it seems like this disease has been mainly bred out, but its important to be aware of it if you own a Pit Bull breed.
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- Skin Infection Any breed of dog, including Pit Bull breeds, may suffer from skin infections. They can occur for various reasons and in different places on the body but are often worsened by the dog licking and self traumatizing. Some of the reasons for an infection may be bacterial or fungal overgrowth, parasites, allergies, etc. Hot spot is a term for a localized skin infection, often on the head, legs, or hips, characterized by a moist, smelly, and often matted area.
- Sunburn Dogs can suffer from sunburns just the same as people can. Although white pitties suffer more, any short-haired, hairless, or fair-colored dog can get a burn in the sun, particularly on the more hairless areas mainly on their face, ears, and belly. Apply sunscreen if your dog will be out in sunny conditions for long periods.
- Zinc-responsive dermatosis in Pit Bulls Zinc is important for creating DNA, enabling the growth of cells, building proteins, healing damaged tissue, and supporting a healthy immune system. The production of all of these is hampered if your dog suffers from zinc deficiency, either because their diet is deficient in zinc or because of a genetic disorder due to defective intestinal resorption of zinc. Skin conditions are the visible face of zinc deficiency, but at the same time, it causes a host of other serious and life-threatening metabolic and health problems that need to be addressed urgently. In case of a genetic defect, which is luckily very rare these days, the illness is considered fatal.
- Food Allergies Your dog might be suffering from food allergies. Ingredients like beef, dairy, chicken, eggs, or lamb, which are just some of the allergens commonly found in commercial dog foods, could be the cause. Identifying and removing allergens from your dogs diet could be enough to prevent allergic skin disease or digestive signs.
- Atopic Dermatitis Environmental irritants are all around us. Your dog could be allergic to the dust mites in your home, the grass in your garden, or the plants and their pollen on their daily walking route.
- Skin Parasites Fleas are the most common dog external parasites and one of the major causes of skin problems in any breed. Some dogs may also develop an allergy to the flea saliva, which exhibits as signs of allergic skin disease. Fleas may be more common during warm months but can invade a home at any time. Other parasites include mange and mites, and any of these infestations include skin complaints as a side effect.
- Ichthyosis A rare genetic condition where the superficial skin layer does not develop properly, resulting in dry flaky and scaly skin. This has been recognized in American Bulldogs.
- Systemic disease There are many underlying systemic health conditions, such as hypothyroidism, advanced liver, pancreatic, or autoimmune disease, that may cause various skin signs. Often, these are accompanied by changes in appetite, drinking, urination, and defecation, often with weight loss.
The Top 7 Dog Skin Disease Management Options
If your dog is suffering from any skin issues, its crucial to get them checked by your veterinarian or a veterinary dermatologist. Skin complaints may be frustrating and challenging to diagnose, and its important that your vet starts the diagnostic process as soon as possible. Here are some of the steps and guidelines your vet will discuss with you, based on your dogs signs and most likely underlying cause.
1. Veterinary Diagnostics
No matter what is happening with your dogs skin or their general health, your vet will be able to help identify the underlying cause. They will recommend a diagnostic process in order to rule out various causes, from the most basic ones to the more challenging ones. Oftentimes, when it comes to skin issues, a diagnosis is based on exclusion. There are many tests your vet or a dermatologist can recommend in order to identify the issue and start appropriate treatment.
Your vet may prescribe systemic or topical treatment, and depending on the cause of skin issues, the treatment may be short term or may continue for a few years or for the rest of your dogs life.
Above all, though, a vet can identify whether a skin complaint is a surface sign of a much deeper and more serious underlying problem.
The following six guidelines are just some of the possible veterinary recommendations if your dogs skin issues are due to an allergic skin disease or a topical skin infection. These are purely adjunctive management options alongside the medical therapy prescribed by your vet, and on their own, depending on the underlying issue, are unlikely to be sufficient to manage the signs. Its important not to self diagnose your pooch, as skin issues are complex, and you may waste valuable time while your dogs skin condition is getting worse. This will cause pain and discomfort to your dog, reduce their quality of life, and may worsen the underlying systemic health condition, making it more expensive and time consuming to diagnose and treat. Consider pet insurance when getting a dog, as it may help alleviate some of the financial concerns.
2. Diet Trials
Your vet or veterinary dermatologist may recommend you change your dogs diet if they suspect your dog is allergic to a certain ingredient in their food. If your dog has been eating food based on a beef protein, your vet may recommend a different protein, such as lamb or fish.
An elimination diet means starting out with a very basic food that does not include any known or suspected allergens. Its necessary to feed such a diet for a minimum of 8-12 weeks, and your dog should not have any other food ingredients or treats at that time, as it will negatively impact the results. If your dogs skin problems or digestive signs clear up, you could speak to your vet about gradually reintroducing ingredients until the problems start again, and then you can definitely identify the ingredients theyre allergic to.
3. Using Antibacterial Dog Shampoo
You should never use human shampoo on dogs, and you can get medicated and specific canine shampoo for use on dogs with allergies and skin complaints based on your vets recommendations.
Speak to your vet, as they may recommend a particular bathing frequency, like weekly, monthly, or fortnightly bathing. A lot of owners are concerned about bathing too often because they have heard that it strips the natural oils from a dogs skin and may lead to skin disbalance. However, done properly and with the right shampoos for the right reasons, which in this case are skin conditions, it can help manage the complaint. Of course, speak to your vet first about how often this should occur.
4. Paw and Skin Fold Hygiene
Many environmental irritants are picked up while out on walks because you cannot control what is in the grass or on the floor. The same goes for dust mites and indoor allergens and contact irritants. Once your dog has these irritants on their paws, they will scratch and may transfer them onto other areas of the skin.
Try to keep the dust levels under control as much as possible, and keep your poochs beds and sleeping areas clean. However, such steps may certainly help but will have a limited effect, as its difficult to control these types of allergens present everywhere in the environment.
Consider wiping your dogs paws when returning from outside using a wet towel, and then wash and dry the towel afterward. If your dog has any skin folds, make sure you are regularly checking them and cleaning them in the appropriate way, as they may also get infected and worsen your dogs skin condition. If your veterinary dermatologist has diagnosed your dog with atopic dermatitis, they may recommend more specific instructions, depending on the identified allergens that are causing skin signs in your pooch.
5. Flea Prevention
Fleas are a major irritant, and even if the fleas themselves do not cause flea allergies in your dog, their itching and biting to eradicate the fleas can be contributing to the problem or even causing it to easily worsen.
Look for signs of fleas and apply regular flea treatment according to the instructions on the treatment package given by your veterinarian.
6. Introduce Fish Oil
Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids. These can play a key role in good health, immune system health, and they also encourage healthy eyes, skin, and coat. If your dog is suffering from skin issues, speak to your vet about adequate and recommended amounts of these compounds in their regular diet.
Some types of food, particularly those formulated with high-quality ingredients and intended for dogs with sensitive skin, already contain omega fatty acids. Too much of a good thing may also be harmful, and there are potential adverse effects if your dog is having a higher-than-recommended amount.
Ensure that the food you offer includes a reasonable amount, and add omega fish oils to their diet using veterinary-approved supplements, but only if your vet suggests doing so based on your dogs medical history and their diet. It may not be indicated in dogs with diabetes, digestive issues, a clotting disorder, those on anticoagulant medication, or a history of pancreatitis. Fish oil should be used cautiously in pregnant or nursing dogs.
7. Home Management
If anybody has picked up any allergens on their shoes while out of the house, they will have settled on the floor. Alternatively, your dog could be allergic or sensitive to dust or even to the carpet fibers or rug itself.
Make sure you dust and vacuum regularly. Consider using an air filter to remove pollen and other potentially sensitive ingredients.
Pit Bull breeds can suffer with skin problems and skin complaints, like any other breed of dog. Although the tips above are geared towards Pit Bull breeds, they will apply to any breed in the hope of alleviating itching, biting, and other skin complaints with the professional help of your vet or a veterinary dermatologist.
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